born 1964

Born on 26.09.1964 in the town of Karlovo. After completing the Secondary School of Arts after the name of "Tsanko Lavrenov" town of Plovdiv, he continued his education in the Academy of Arts in the town of Sofia Major Pottery. He graduated in 1991 with excellent grade in the class of Prof. Venko Kolev.

He is member of the Association of Plovdiv Painters. Since 1992 he has worked as gallery keeper in the city Art Gallery in the town of Karlovo.

He works in the field of fine and applicable arts. His pieces of art have been exhibited on exhibitions in Sofia, Plovdiv, Karlovo, Kozloduy. Bakardjiev also has five participations in art exhibitions in Paris France, where he was awarded the Prize Salon Montrouge for 1997.

His pieces of arts are property of private collections in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, France, etc.

He works in the field of small plastic arts: figures, statuettes. More famous and known to the mass audience prizes are:

Annual prizes of Bulgarian Artists the Prize Golden Column

The National Festival of Acting Golden Rose Karlovo Prize

Prize of the National Festival of camera operation in the memory of Dimo Kolarov town of Popovo

Prize of the town of Karlovo Golden Goddess Prize.

Queen of Roses Prize town of Karlovo.

Prize of TED Balkani for ecology

Golden Lion Prize of the festival of childrens songs in the town of Karlovo.

The coat of arms of the town of Karlovo in cooperation with the painter Dechko Todorov.

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